F bar chord guitar
F bar chord guitar

All you have to do is slide the pattern down, and name it with the top note. Now you should see that because the top note of every chord in these forms tells you the name of the chord you should see that all of the bar chords are movable. You should also notice that the note on the A string tells you what chord it is. Notice that the only difference between the Major and Minor chords in this form is the note that lies on the B string. Now look at this Tablature: Major Bar Chords (5th String Root)

f bar chord guitar

Now look at the note on the Low E string. Notice that the only difference between the Major and Minor chords is the note on the G string. So if you move the chord down a fret then you know that the chord is raised a half step. The great thing about these chords is that they are completely movable. Notice that even though you do not “bar” the entire 1st fret, you still leave no open strings and you are still stretching across more than one string. Notice that the Low E string is not played, so there are no open strings played. You would bar the 3rd fret with your ring finger.

f bar chord guitar

For this one, you can bar the 1st fret and you can bar the 3rd fret. In other words, stretch your index finger across the fretboard so that it presses every string like in the picture on the right.

f bar chord guitar

To play this chord you need to bar the first fret. Bar Chords are chords that have your index finger holding down more than one string and not playing with any open strings.

F bar chord guitar